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How to Download ON4UN's Low Band DXing for Free

How to Download ON4UN's Low Band DXing for Free

If you are interested in low-band DXing on 160, 80 and 40 meters, you may want to get a copy of ON4UN's Low Band DXing, a book by John Devoldere, ON4UN, that covers antennas, equipment and techniques for this challenging part of the spectrum. The book also includes a CD-ROM with software and other resources.

ON4UN's Low Band DXing free download


ON4UN's Low Band DXing is not a cheap book, but you can download it for free from the Internet Archive[^1^], a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, music and more. Here are the steps to do so:

  • Go to

  • Click on the "Download Options" button on the right side of the page.

  • Select the format you prefer, such as PDF, EPUB or Kindle.

  • Wait for the download to finish and enjoy reading the book.

Note that the CD-ROM content is not included in the download, but you can find some of it on ON4UN's website[^2^], where you can also learn more about his achievements and activities on low bands.

Alternatively, you can also buy a hard copy of the book from ARRL[^3^], the national association for amateur radio in the US, or from other online retailers[^4^]. The book is currently in its fifth edition and has been updated with new material.

Whether you download or buy the book, we hope you find it useful and informative for your low-band DXing endeavors. 73!

Low-band DXing is the art and science of making long-distance contacts on the lower frequency bands, such as 160 meters (1.8 MHz), 80 meters (3.5 MHz) and 40 meters (7 MHz). These bands offer unique challenges and opportunities for amateur radio operators who want to explore the world beyond their local area.

One of the main challenges of low-band DXing is the high level of noise and interference that can affect these bands, especially at night when they are most open for DX. Sources of noise can include natural phenomena, such as lightning and geomagnetic storms, as well as man-made sources, such as power lines, appliances and electronic devices. To overcome this challenge, low-band DXers need to use effective noise reduction techniques, such as filters, notchers and noise blankers, as well as directional antennas that can reject unwanted signals from certain directions.

Another challenge of low-band DXing is the limited space and resources that many amateur radio operators have to install large and efficient antennas for these bands. Low-band antennas tend to be long and bulky, requiring tall supports and wide open spaces. For example, a full-size dipole for 160 meters would be about 260 feet long and need to be at least 130 feet high to perform well. However, there are many creative solutions that low-band DXers can use to fit antennas in small spaces, such as verticals, loops, inverted Ls and beverages. These antennas may not be as effective as full-size dipoles or yagis, but they can still make a difference between hearing and working a rare DX station. 29c81ba772


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